
An Overview of a Development Workflow

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A good workflow is crucial for development because it saves time. We know this, and yet we constantly procrastinate this important task.

We can't blame ourselves really. New technologies pop up and we have no idea how to use them. The web industry moves too fast and sometimes causes us to be completely overwhelmed.

So for the first post in the workflow series, I wanna show you what a development workflow is, and how to automate different parts of the workflow.

Common Problems With Susy Gallery And How To Solve Them

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Susy has a gallery() mixin that helps us create galleries easily. It abstracts away a lot of complexity. Because of this abstraction, it sometimes leaves people puzzled about why something isn't working. This often boils down to two problems.

This post reveals the two problems and shows you how to solve them.

Why I stopped blogging, and what do you want to read about next?

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I have only written about Susy since the release of Learning Susy a few months ago. I've been working on the update since then and now that it's finally complete, I wanna move on to a new topic.

There are 3 themes that I'm interested to explore and I'll need your help in choosing which one to work on.

But first, let me be completely honest to you about my feelings for the past few months.

How to use Masonry with Susy

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Masonry is a popular JavaScript library that helps you create a pinterest-like gallery even if your content has irregular heights and widths.

This article is here to help you out if you're having trouble using Masonry with Susy.

Mappy Breakpoints, A Breakpoint Mixin that uses Sass Maps

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I have been using Breakpoint to handle my media queries for a long time and I have been happy with it. However, during my previous project, I discovered that I needed something more.

Since I was working on rebuilding my starter template for Learning Susy, I went about hacking my own breakpoint mixin that satisfied all my needs. I thought you'd be interested to hear what I came up with :)

Configuring Gulp to use LibSass with Susy

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I wrote about configuring Grunt to use LibSass with Susy in the last article and feedback has been amazing. There were multiple requests for me to write another article to use LibSass with Gulp instead, so here it is :)

In case you never heard of Gulp, it is another Javascript task runner that helps you automate your development workflow. It was created slightly later than Grunt and aims to resolve issues that Grunt has.

Configuring Grunt To Use LibSass With Susy

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Every developer I know has been eagerly awaiting to use LibSass in their development process. When Eric announced that Susy is now compatible with LibSass, I jumped out of my seat and began tinkering with Grunt to create a build process.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out then :(

The good news is that we can now use Grunt to compile LibSass with Susy without a hitch! I'll show you how I configured Grunt to use LibSass with Susy in this article.

Learning Susy Update Is Going To Be Delayed

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I mentioned that Learning Susy will be updated with more content by 31st January. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I have to disappoint. I'm sorry.

Letting you down sucks, but it just doesn't feel right to apologize and shrug it off. I want to be honest about my failures and learnings to make sure that I won't fail to deliver again. Hence, the reason for this blog post.

How To Write Mobile-first CSS

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Building responsive websites is a must-have skill for front-end developers today. When we speak about responsive websites, the term mobile-first pops into mind immediately.

We know the importance of designing from a mobile-first perspective. Unfortunately, much less was said about coding from a mobile-first approach.

Today, I'd like to share with you about the mobile-first approach to styling, why it is much better, and how to work its magic.

Note: This article will be immensely helpful if you are learning to build responsive layouts with Susy.

How to use susy with bootstrap

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Susy is a grid layout engine that was built to help web developers create web layouts easily. It allows us to create custom grids and it does its job extremely well.

One of the common complaints about Susy is that it is too simple, it’s only the grid layout engine. There are no UI kits that come with it, and that slows down developers who want to prototype quickly.

The good news is Susy can be integrated into almost any framework or UI kit, including the major ones, like Bootstrap and Foundation.

This is precisely what this tutorial is all about – integrating Susy with another framework, Bootstrap, to be specific. Even if you are not a fan of Bootstrap, you can still glean insights on how to integrate Susy with your UI kit of choice through this tutorial.

I'm Going To Make The Learning Susy Book Better, And What That Means For You

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It's been 3 months since Learning Susy has been released and the support from the community has been wonderful. It's heartening to see so many people start to learn about Susy, and how they have benefited as a result.

I have learned a lot more about what people are looking for since releasing the book through observations, questions and surveys, and I feel that I am now able to make Learning Susy 10x better.

In this post, I'd like to share with you my observations of issues that people often encounter, how I intend to help solve these issues in the next version of Learning Susy, and what all this means to you.

Fix 90% of Your Problems With Susy by Getting This One Concept Right

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In the last month, I had the privilege of helping a few people find out what went wrong with their Susy code while suggesting a few areas of improvement.

I noticed one problem kept popping up in the questions I answered. People find it difficult to get Susy to work correctly in nested grids. They sometimes employ workarounds that tweak Susy so badly that it hinders instead of helps.

Even though Susy is built to be extremely flexible and easy to use, it has its own key concepts and rules like all other frameworks. You will need to understand these concepts to get Susy to work for you properly.

I'll like to share one of these concepts with you today to help you overcome a large majority of your Susy problems.

How I Wrote and Sold My First Ebook (and how you can do it too)

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September 19, 2014 is one day of my life that I will never forget. It is the day when I sold the 50th copy of my first ebook.

I didn't have many resources when I started writing the book. I didn't have any influential friends, money or experience. All I had was 67 people on my email list. Worst of all, I felt I wasn't even qualified to write a book.

I now understand that it is possible to make something people want, even if you don't feel like you are an expert on the subject.

I'm consolidating this valuable learning experience into an article, which I am sharing with you now.

How to Create Off Canvas Layouts with Susy

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Off-canvas layouts have became an increasingly common design pattern for many websites. They are often used to create additional space in most mobile layouts. Quite a few articles on the web have explained how to code these layouts with CSS and JavaScript. Today, let's have a quick look at how to do the same using Susy.

Build Web Layouts Easily with Susy

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Susy provides you with the tools to build your own grid layouts that match the needs of your website. It gives you the freedom and flexibility to build any design that you can imagine. It doesn't matter if your design has 5, 14 or 48 columns. Unequal width columns? Susy's got you covered.

Why would you pick Susy over the million other frameworks out there on the internet? You may never even heard of it before. What if it's beauty is only skin deep?

Susy is one of the best things that happened to me in terms of my front-end development workflow over the past few months. It has helped me out so much that I decided to write a book about it to share it's merits with the world. It's an in-depth guide on Susy and how you can use it to easily create any website design you want.

How to Build a Responsive Website That Supports Older Browsers

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Responsive websites have became increasingly important over the years. Unfortunately, we still need to make older browsers support responsive websites due to various reasons once in a while, and searching around for the correct way of doing it can take up some of your precious time. This article is designed to help you answer the question on supporting responsive websites on older browsers.

Smarter Layouts with Susy

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I chanced upon heydon’s Codepen for creating self-correcting grids with pseudo classes a while ago and that totally blew my mind away. I started to think about how we can use pseudo selectors to create smarter HTML layouts and I have summarised my thoughts on this in this article.

Bootstrap’s grid system vs. susy—a comparison

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There are a lot of grid frameworks for us the to choose from while developing websites nowadays. Of the many frameworks, one of most loved and yet most hated framework is definitely Bootstrap.

Today, I’ll like to introduce you to a slightly lesser known framework that has caught on for many people – Susy. In this article, I’ll show a comparison between Susy and Bootstrap’s grid system so you can fully understand what Susy is, and whether you’ll want to try it out.

Creating Asymmetric Layouts With Susy

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When I first heard of asymmetric layouts, it was available only in the Singularity GS framework. It sounded incredibly cool and I really wanted to try creating a layout that uses unequal column widths. At that time, I was really happy with Susyone and was reluctant to make the switch.

Imagine my delight when Susy 2 came and it supported asymmetric grids!

In this post, I want to introduce you to asymmetric grids with Susy and show you how easily it can be done.

Understanding Gutter Positions in Susy

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One question that was asked in the Susy survey I created a month ago really stood out to me. The question is "how to remove margins or paddings of the first and last column without using first-child and last-child in the grid system?".

This one big question is likely one that has caused huge amounts of headaches to beginners who are just starting to learn about Susy. If we go down into the roots of the question, it is quite likely that you have used the inside gutter position instead of after after seeing the many of the tutorials online. To answer this question, you must understand how gutter position affects your layout.

I feel that gutter position is one of the more important settings in Susy because it causes you code things differently when doing your layout. If you have asked this question before, then this blog post about gutter positions is for you.